Welcome to the Dimensional Consciousness Academy: get to know the first steps
3021 comments Published on 11/11/13This article has been temporarily translated with an online translator. The original articles are in Italian. If you would like to help us improve the translation into your language, do not hesitat...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
Introduction Step 1 - Psychic Arts
4185 comments Published on 16/02/14The Path of Psychic Arts is an evolutionary manual that provides comprehensive knowledge about the vast world of the paranormal. It will help you discover everything you've ever wanted to know but ...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
Energy – What energy is (Part 1)
4786 comments Published on 30/11/13Energy is the foundation of everything that exists. From the smallest form of life to the universe itself, everything is made of energy. Throughout this journey, you will learn about the different ...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
The Matrix – What the Matrix is (Part 1)
3943 comments Published on 29/11/13You have always known about its existence, but you didn’t know its name.The Matrix is everything you see, everything you hear, and everything you touch. Whatever you can see, hear, and smell is par...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
You’re not here by chance…
3675 comments Published on 26/12/13I have always been asked: "Why do people not understand that God exists? Why do people not believe in the soul and the ability to live a life after death? Why do people believe that everything they...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
The Low Frequency – The enemy of Awakening (Part 1)
3856 comments Published on 01/12/13To start recognizing the presence of Low Frequency in our lives, we must first understand how the Matrix works, which I have already discussed in a previous article. The Matrix is the video game in...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
What Meditation is – The first steps (Part 1)
3354 comments Published on 03/12/13Meditation is a moment of realizing that you are alive while everyone else around you is suffocated by work and problems. Even though we are all here writing, reading, or listening, we have a weak ...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
The Soul – Who Am I? Conscience above all (part 1)
3130 comments Published on 01/02/14At some point in our lives, we reach a moment where we ask ourselves, "Who am I?" It is an important time for our personal growth and a fundamental question that we should continue to ask ourselves...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
What the Spiritual Path is – The Light in the dark (Part 1)
2414 comments Published on 01/11/15Let me introduce you to the Accademia using a simple analogy that will help you decide if this is the right path for you.Throughout your entire life, you have become accustomed to living in what I ...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
Meditation – The Absence of Thought (Part 2)
3039 comments Published on 20/12/13In the previous Meditation session you learned two important lessons:the first is that anyone can meditate, since there is no block that prevents some people from doing it or that makes others more ...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
Thinking – Mental Silence (Part 1)
2557 comments Published on 09/10/13The key to Spiritual Awakening is mental silence, also called non-thought or absence of thought. Meditation allows you to learn non-thought and improve your senses, therefore your psychic and extra...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
Energy – Attracting Prana (Part 2)
2751 comments Published on 05/12/13Energy is everything, you just need to understand it.Let’s discuss some more about energy, so that you can understand better the teachings that will follow. Everything around us is made of energy, ...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
The Matrix – We live in a videogame (Part 2)
2580 comments Published on 27/12/13The Matrix is the life that surrounds us, by means of scenarios displayed in a great stage.The routine that we live is Matrix, the people we frequent are Matrix, our choices are Matrix.Almost eve...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
The Sixth Sense – It has always been a part of you, which you only need to acknowledge (Part 1)
2851 comments Published on 08/10/13The Sixth Sense has always belonged to us but we never learned it at school or from our parents, therefore it seems unknown. Actually, we have always known we have it inside of us, although we used...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
What the Aura is – Recognize its presence (Part 1)
2525 comments Published on 25/08/14Knowing the Aura is fundamental for evolving and learning psychic techniques, because it is part of our energy and our consciousness much more than it might seem. Before we even understand how it i...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
Seeing Auras – Learning how to see Auras (Part 1)
2545 comments Published on 21/01/14This article is also available in Audio version. If you wish to listen to it, click here.Page 1 of 4The main reasons that push people to wonder how to see the Aura are usually quite simple: for cur...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
The Third Eye – The Truth about the Third Eye (part 1)
2374 comments Published on 03/12/13The Third Eye is one of the psychic faculties that belong to the Sixth Sense. It is not physical, but it is a visual capacity that allows us to see beyond the material and illusory reality in which...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
Meditation – Chakra Meditation in Mental Silence (Part 3)
2376 comments Published on 13/01/14Already from the first lesson you are becoming aware of something that has always existed, but of which you have ignored the presence. Meditation must be understood and practiced every day, because ...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
Questions about Meditation (Part 1)
1856 comments Published on 17/01/14Angel: Welcome to Accademia di Coscienza Dimensionale – Dimensional Consciousness Academy. I am very happy to meet you and see so many people online. Today’s lesson will be dedicated to clarify all...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
The Low Frequency – The Low’s distractions and mechanisms (Part 2)
2431 comments Published on 10/12/13The low Frequency is an intelligent conscience that is part of the Planet’s mind, which we’ll also call Gaia’s mind. If on one hand we have the proof of the planet’s intelligence thanks to the mira...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
Questions about the Low Frequency – The difference between Nature and Low Frequency (part 1)
1715 comments Published on 24/12/13Student: Hi Angel, before asking my question, I want to thank you for everything you do. I have noticed a big positive change in various sectors of my life since I started this Academy! And you are...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
God – Does God Exist? (part 1)
1915 comments Published on 25/12/13Before continuing along this path, I think it is important to take a few minutes to reflect on the concept of “God”. Before I start explaining my definition of what God is, I ask you to put aside e...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
The Chakras – What are the Chakras? (Part 1)
2039 comments Published on 14/01/14Today we will deal with the understanding of what Chakras are.The physical areas where nerves meet in our body are more sensitive to energies, and that’s where we find the Chakras. These points of ...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
The Chakras – How do Chakras work? (part 2)
1483 comments Published on 15/01/14In the previous article I explained the importance of the upper chakras: Heart, Mind and Crown. These three chakras are fundamental to solve your daily issues, to find the best solutions and to hav...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
Thinking – Non-Thought during Practice (Part 2)
1798 comments Published on 17/10/13Page 1 out of 5The first and most common difficulty of meditation is the inability to keep the non-thought, obstacle that leads many people to give up from the first session of practice. During thi...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
Questions about Meditation – Becoming self aware (part 2)
1714 comments Published on 17/01/14This article has been temporarily translated through Google Translate. The original articles were written in Italian. If you want to help us improve the translation in your language, contact us by ...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
Summary of Step 1 – This is just the beginning!
1268 comments Published on 30/01/15Welcome!!! We are about halfway through the 1st Step. This is a very important milestone, because it means you are continuing your path without letting the Low Frequency drag you away!We have embar...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
Dreams – What are Dreams? (part 1)
1671 comments Published on 31/01/14When we mention the word “Dreams”, we immediately start to think that it is not an interesting or serious subject because we associate dreams with fantasies. We all dream every night – or almost – ...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
Sleep Paralysis – Why you remain paralyzed when waking up from sleep (part 1)
1935 comments Published on 23/05/14In today’s lesson I will tell you about Sleep Paralysis, I will explain why it is scary to those who don’t know what it is, why it happens, and also why it can be very useful when you learn how to ...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
Astral Travel – What is an O.B.E.? (Part 1)
1788 comments Published on 10/10/13The term “astral travel” is well known, but its definition is often ignored or misunderstood. Ideas on astral travel are among the most contradictory because people tend to explain this dimensional...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
Dimensional Sounds – What is the Evolutionary sound? (Part 1)
1890 comments Published on 21/01/14Everything begins with a simple whistle, then you’ll realize that that whistle has a meaning.Today we talk about a particular sound for which all of us, at least once in life, have asked the same q...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
Entities – Do ghosts really exist? (part 1)
1234 comments Published on 13/12/13Entities do really exist, it is clear! What causes us to doubt their existence are the wrong definitions associated to them. First of all, we need to clarify that there are many types of entities,...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
Psychic Protection – How to protect yourself from negative energies (Part 1)
2381 comments Published on 03/01/14Psychic protection is the first reason why you should begin a spiritual journey.It is not easy to explain to someone who has just started to learn about the energy world we live in why we should pr...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
Everyday issues – Headaches (part 1)
1262 comments Published on 09/01/14Headache is a pain that can afflict many people every day, whether they are women, men or small children. The first thing we usually do is to get some pills to relieve the pain, hoping that they wi...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
Visualization – Relaxation and Visualization (Part 1)
1554 comments Published on 06/04/14Visualization is a word I often repeated throughout the previous articles and now it’s time for me to explain what it’s all about.At the beginning visualization will be the equivalent of imaginatio...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
Questions about Meditation – Get rid of expectations and of what you thought you knew (Part 3)
1504 comments Published on 28/01/14Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
Meditation – Relaxation (part 4)
1600 comments Published on 01/02/14Meditation is the most direct way to reach any goal of inner evolution that we set ourselves, including the evolution of higher mental capacities we want to achieve.To be able to practice good medi...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
What the Aura is – How the Aura influences us (Part 2)
1708 comments Published on 24/08/14When we talk about the aura, we are referring to the energetic structure that composes and surrounds everything that exists, be it people, animals, plants, minerals or materials. Everything that ex...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
Questions about the Aura – The importance of the Aura (part 1)
1206 comments Published on 02/09/14Angel: Welcome to this first lecture on “What is the Aura.” Today I will answer all your inherent questions, please take your time and think about them.Student: Hi Angel! I thank you for this path ...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
Past Lives – Remembering Past Lives (Part 1)
1621 comments Published on 02/01/14You could avoid this topic forever, and yet, inside yourself, you know that it will come back and make you wonder: Who am I? What’s this sensation of it not being the first time I’m alive? This is ...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
The Low Frequency – The Anti-Experiences Regulator (part 3)
1660 comments Published on 28/01/14In the previous lesson I have explained that the Low Frequency uses two main methods to lower us and keep us anchored to a low vibration. The first method is our own thinking, through the Regulator...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
Meditation – The Purpose (Part 5)
1513 comments Published on 12/02/14Meditation has always been taught us as a mystical, harsh and even a little bit crazy practice. If we for example take a look at the movies, the cartons and the rumors about meditation, we notice h...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
Questions about Meditation – Sensations and improvements (Part 4)
1307 comments Published on 17/07/14Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
The Chakras – Three Steps towards Evolution (Part 3)
1572 comments Published on 22/01/14The evolution of chakras is fundamental to our personal evolution, so let’s commit to understanding what exactly it is. Our physical and energy bodies are in constant need of energy: : if we do not...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
Thinking – Thinking positively to not think negatively (Part 3)
1317 comments Published on 17/10/13Thought is the obstacle that every man will have to overcome if he wants to find himself.Thoughts are mostly influenced by the outside world and other people, in fact very few thoughts are really y...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
Cleansing Energy – How to cleanse your energy (Part 1)
1851 comments Published on 28/01/14Everyone has an aura and every day all of us come into contact with people and negative energies of which we absorb a certain amount that can dirty our energetic field in the long term. Most people...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
Energy – Memories, recollections and energetic records (Part 3)
1471 comments Published on 15/09/13The topic “energy” is very broad and understanding it will allow you to answer many questions that you ask yourself every day and to which you would like to get answers immediately. Here is why und...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
The Sixth Sense – Be free to live (part 2)
1317 comments Published on 02/04/14In the previous lesson on the Sixth Sense I have explained how this sense belongs to you by nature, since it is the Sense that allows you to amplify all the others, and to understand what – with th...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
Questions about the Sixth Sense – The importance of all senses (Part 1)
1635 comments Published on 29/12/13Angel: Welcome back! Today I am going to answer all your questions about the previous lesson on the Sixth Sense. Let’s start with the first question.Student: I sincerely thank you for this lesson, ...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
Meditation – Awareness during Meditation (Part 6)
1367 comments Published on 20/02/14When we meditate, not only do we forget about our problems, but they often solve themselves. It happens without us realizing, as we are too used to be subjected to our life instead of living it an...Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo. -
Conclusion of Step 1 – The base is fundamental
1009 comments Published on 29/04/15Iscriviti al sito A.C.D. per poter leggere più contenuti di questo tipo.